Workshop proposals for 2011 BASTARD conference: Crime & Anarchy

We image a world without the state and capitalism to be a more peaceful world than this one, but is this necessarily the case? What would crime look like if it were proportional, if it were human scale? What is the definition of crime in the absence of the state?

Today, anarchists are portrayed as violent criminals in the media. If they aren’t breaking things at conventions they are on trial for one crime or another. At the same time pensions are robbed, people are murdered on the other side (and this side) of the world by agents of the state, and the disparity between the rich and poor is greater than ever. To put the question another way, there is crime against property on the one hand and crimes against life and life-potential on the other.

The 2011 Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development invite you to participate in this years conference. It will be held on the UCB campus in sunny Berkeley CA on Sunday April 10th and the topic will be Anarchy & Crime. Please propose a workshop on the theory of anarchist crime, criminality, and how anarchists analyze and experience crime today & crime tomorrow.

Send your proposals to