Two readings on egoism/individualism for Tuesday, neither terribly long: Sid Parker’s “Archists, Anarchists, and Egoists” and George Palante’s “Anarchism and Individualism”. See you then!
Monthly Archives: August 2019
Reading for 8/20
We’re continuing last week’s foray into panpsychism & animism with Bellamy Fitzpatrick’s piece “What does the world desire?” from Backwoods No. 2. Hope to see you there!
Reading for 8/13/19
This week we are reading a section out of David Abram’s Spell of the Sensuous, Mike’s favorite book. Minimal reading is the end of chapter 4 (Animism and the Alphabet) starting with the section “Of Tongues In Trees”. This is 19 pages. You could also choose to start from the beginning of the chapter for a 40 page reading that talks more about the changeover from oral to written language.
Also, Chapter 2 is a great explanation of phenomenology in case you still can’t pronounce that.
Reading for 8/6
This week we’re looking at animal liberation, specifically at the ethical ground on which such a moral/ideological practice is based. We’ll start with a short piece by Peter Singer (author of the seminal text Animal Liberation) and read it against a newish Enemy Combatant pamphlet entitled The Harvest of Dead Elephants. If you’re familiar with Singer and the animal rights movement already or finding yourself short on time, focus on the pamphlet, as the Singer text is intended to summarize these ethical claims for those who haven’t encountered them before. Hope to see you there!