Reading for 3/10

Next week we’ll finish up Jason’s essay on critical self-theory (found here). Officially we will discuss from the section “Ideological critiques of ideology: Recuperation through critical ideologies” until the end of the piece, including the final section titled “A brief history of theory”. Unofficially however, we’ll consider the essay in its entirety, since some folks couldn’t make it tonight and the website was down for some of the last day or so. As always, just read what you’re able and we’ll see where the conversation wanders!

Two other items: first, since the website was down and we’ve been unsure about the future of our current hosting setup of late, I made a backup page to be used in the event the current site goes down again; found at Nothing is on there yet since for the moment the regular site looks to be back up, but if it ever goes down and you’re looking for the reading, check the surrogate page.

Lastly, this coming Sunday (3/8) is the first meeting of Ken Knabb’s new group discussing Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil. We’ll be meeting at the University Press bookstore, 2430 Bancroft in Berkeley, from 4:30-7:00pm. The group is open to anyone and you need not know French to take part. Here are some links to the complete text, both in English, and the original French. It’s free to attend but Ken mentions that donations to benefit UPB, who are providing space and refreshments to us gratis, would be greatly appreciated. If you’ve never met Ken, I still encourage you to come out for this series of discussions, as several of us from the study group will be in attendance, and bc Baudelaire is most fucking excellent.

Until next time, creative nothings!

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