this is the first tuesday of the month, so potluck at 7pm (mostly vegan, preferably nut-free, and we have one person with a no-gluten or fermented foods diet too).
the potlucks are an opportunity to chat and check in, talk about personal stuff and get to know each other in a way that is different from when we’re talking anarchy.
come and eat even if you can’t bring food.
we will start reading excerpts from Intro to Civil War. if you have the book (vs the excerpts in the IEF pamphlet) then bring it tonight. the excerpts are slim pickings…
also, i somehow missed printing the final page. there’s not a whole lot of info on the last page, so i’ll bring it and we can read it on the day of. (people can also go to the ief pamphlet here and read it there, of course.)