happenings for 12/18/12

this week the reading group is taking a field trip to city lights in san francisco, to hear karen avrich (paul avrich’s daughter) speak on his posthumous book on alexander berkman and emma goldman.
the event starts at 7, people are meeting at the long haul at 6 for those who need, and those who can provide, rides to meet up with each other.

Readings for Nov. 6th

POTLUCK! Come, bring food, bring yourselves and experience a night of decadence and debauchery.

This month focuses on a series of readings that will prepare us for the discussions taking place at the upcoming @ book fair. We will peruse these readings and find the sections most pertinent for a provocative discussion of PLEASURE!
The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything by For Ourselves
The Book Of Pleasures by Raoul Vaneigem
To Destroy Sexuality by Guy Hocquenghem