Reading for 8/13/19

This week we are reading a section out of David Abram’s Spell of the Sensuous, Mike’s favorite book. Minimal reading is the end of chapter 4 (Animism and the Alphabet) starting with the section “Of Tongues In Trees”. This is 19 pages. You could also choose to start from the beginning of the chapter for a 40 page reading that talks more about the changeover from oral to written language.


Also, Chapter 2 is a great explanation of phenomenology in case you still can’t pronounce that.


Reading for 2/26

First of all. All hail Mike, the scanner of physical texts. Happy to scan some shit that isn’t online if you give it to me.

This week’s reading is out of Robert Musil’s Precision and Soul: On Stupidity.

EDIT: Before 3:11pm on Monday pages 278+279 were missing. They are no longer missing.

Here is his face:


Next week we’re reading some of Kafka’s (very) short stories:

  • Poseidon (478)
  • The Bridge (449)
  • The Problem of Our Laws (482)
  • Fellowship (480)
  • The Helmsman (490)
  • On Parables (506)

From the postscript of the linked collection:

Albert Camus once said that “the whole of Kafka’s art consists in compelling
the reader to re-read him.” Since the interpretations of Kafka are many and the search
for the meaning of his stories seemingly endless, the reader will return to the story
itself in the hope of finding guidance from within. Thus a second reading will —
hopefully — become a commentary on the first, and subsequent readings will — again
hopefully — shed light on the preceding ones.

This reading could be very quick, or very long, depending on how many times you choose to re-read.


This Tuesday we’re going on a dérive, starting on foot from the Long Haul. We’ll leave at 8:15.

In a dérive one or more persons during a certain period drop their relations, their work and leisure activities, and all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there. Chance is a less important factor in this activity than one might think: from a dérive point of view cities have psychogeographical contours, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes that strongly discourage entry into or exit from certain zones.

If you have a few minutes, read the rest of Theory of the Dérive by Guy Debord. It’s a quick read.

Readings for October

Exciting news update! The study group will be structuring our readings for the next few months as follows:

  • A section of The Unique and Its Property
  • A fiction reading
  • A section of The Unique and Its Property
  • Wildcard

(The Unique is on The Anarchist Library here)

So for the rest of October we are reading:

  • 10/9: Son and Steel by Yukio Mishima [link to an okay pdf, someone let me know if there’s a better one]
  • 10/16: The Unique and Its Property,  start section 1.2 Human Beings of Ancient and Modern Times, stop just before section 1.2.3 The Hierarchy.
  • 10/23: Some reading on translation/reading
  • 10/30: The Unique and Its Property,  section 1.2.3 The Hierarchy, completing section 1.2, stop just before section 1.3 The Free.

Reading for 5/29

We are going to continue reading Black Seed for next week. This time we have pre-selected the readings and require by punishment of shame for you to read them ahead of time. We have selected Ramon Elani’s The Leopard’s Grammar (p20) and coolsquid’s The Enemy, Life Itself (p6).

In case you want to have some of the context of last week’s discussion, we read D/G’s Phagein (p14) and Aragorn!!’s Without Words (p30). The discussion included topics of morality, feelings, William Blake, egoism, science, nazis, and sacrificing models.