Reading for March 31st 2015

This evening we are reading an unpublished article by Uri Gordon that was presented at the 2015 NAASN conference. One of the study group was so excited by the piece that they stomped and cried until we begged Uri for the text. He dutifully responded.


We will be reading “Prefigurative Politics and Anarchism” by Uri Gordon which will be available in hard copy on Tuesday.



The month of January – Anti-Blackness

This month we are going to read and discuss the afro-pessimism/anti-blackness set of ideas… along with some other things but hopefully we will be keeping things topical to a anti-blackness vs whiteness/anti-racist theme.


Week 1 (January 6th): Frank Wilderson interview “we’re trying to destroy the world”. also… POTLUCK! @ 7pm
Week 2: the overview (first 40 pages) in Charles W Mills – The Racial Contract
Week 3: Open to thoughts but perhaps the article from Black Seed 2?
here is the complete reading of the undying appeal of white nationalism for week 3.
Week 4: What are you really? Mills_CharlesW – Whatareyoureally


Reading for December 09 2014

We are starting a three week reading (with speaker?) of Murray Bookchin’s The Spanish Anarchists

Read through page 32 (through Chapter 1).


what makes the spanish civil war history relevant to us today?

what makes it irrelevant?

given their situation, what would we do differently?

what would we do the same?






11/4: Potluck + Georges Bataille + The Mayfair Set

Happy Post-Halloween!

At 7pm, we will potluck. Bring food!

Then, at 8pm we will watch Part 2 of the Mayfair Set.

Lastly, at 9pm, if we can keep our food down, we will discuss the horror (ahem…Halloween!!) and beauty that is Bataille (the readings are from last week, which got “cancelled” ).

Bataille_Solar Anus-Pineal Eye-Sacred Conspiracy

Nick Land_Preface_The thirst for Annihilation


Made of scars..... Jay CeePhotoGraphy.... (Photo by B†essed)