November 29th

This week we begin reading Desert. The exciting “dark green” book/essay/pamphlet from the UK that has been all the buzz since this summer.

Find it here:

reading for october 4th

Join us for food (vegan & gluten free if possible) at 7 pm. Reading at 8 pm.

We will be reading Bakunin’s God and the State which is available either here or here

September 6th – Potluck plus Part two of Appel

Join us for food (vegan & gluten free if possible) at 7 pm. Reading at 8 pm.

Read it here – Call

This is a call. That is to say it aims at those who can hear it. The question is not to demonstrate, to argue, to convince. We will go directly to what is already obvious. This is not primarily a matter of logic or reasoning. What is obvious is what is perceptible, the realm of reality.

reading for 8/2 and potluck

come early (7pm), bring good food (pref vegan, nut free, gluten free and delicious).
there are two readings:
1) The Origin of Science and Art from The Art of Tracking: The Origin of Science by Louis Liebenberg – available at
2 notes on this text: first, the first page of the printout is for chapter 3 which defines “simple tracking”, “systematic tracking”, and “speculative tracking” which are terms discussed in chapter 4 and second, “a.m. Homo Sapiens” means anatomically modern Homo Sapiens.

2) The Case Against Art by John Zerzan available at